Sunday, May 28, 2017

Closing Up or Shutting Down

Today, due to shortage of readers, and not much to write, I will close up or shut down this blog. Thanks to both of the readers who have kept up and commented. I appreciate your faithful following. I might open a new blog, a craft blog, later on. Keep up with me on facebook and thru e-mail, AC and Curley!


Sunday, May 21, 2017


This morning in church, my granddaughter Annabelle, better known to me as Annie, got the hiccups. Towards the end of the service, Pastor Kurt came over to where we were sitting and took her out of my arms and started walking around with her in his arms as he finished his message. She stole his thunder! She cooed, hiccuped, smiles, pulled his beard and wrecked his microphone (which was fixable after the service.) She loved it and so did Pastor Kurt. He loves engaging the young in our services. I smiled until I thought my face might crack.

Ah, the joys of grandparenthood!

Until the next time,

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my birthday! I'm 72 and feeling it! I was born on Mother's Day, so "thanks Mom, for bring me life."
Celebrate with me by tipping a glass of good wine and smiling! That's what I'm gonna do!

Until next time,

The Women in my Life

Tomorrow being Mother's Day, I thought I should/would write a bit about the women in my life. Let me first start off with my mom, Martha. Mom was a quiet, behind-the-scenes type of person. She never wanted attention, but just went about doing good in her quiet manner. (She was much like her own mother in that respect.) Mom was a homemaker, wife, mom and teacher. She always taught school as long as I remember. She cried over students who couldn't or wouldn't learn, and came home exhausted after a day in the classroom. No aides, no help in a room of 55 fifth-graders would tax anyone! Mom was an adequate cook. I can't say she was fabulous in the kitchen, but obviously had her specialties. And, by looking at myself, I never went hungry. Mom loved my dad with her whole heart and he reciprocated in kind. I never heard them argue, but I suppose they did now and then. Mom loved my brother and I "to the moon and back," and never hesitated to tell us so.

Next, my late wife,Pam. What else can I say but that this gal was amazing. We had 38 wonderful years together, raised two wonderful children, and stuck together in the happy and sad times, making the best of every situations. Pam was stricter with the kids than I, and that probably was the cause of many disagreements between us. Pam was loving and kind to all and was loved by many. She took her family and faith seriously, and never wavered in her commitment to either. Pam was a hairdresser by trade and loved working with her clients. In later years, she became a social worker, working with unwed moms and their children. She was a doer. I miss her!

My daughter, HJ, is an amazing single mom. She has been a single mom since her son, E, was three. With little or no help from her ex, she raised an amazing son. HJ is a go getter and so very smart. She graduated college with a BS degree while being married, working and having E. It took her a year longer that most, but she accomplished it. She is an excellent writer, artist and just a good all-around person. She constantly is concerned about today's issues and I have seen her cry over the mistreatment of humans and animals. She taught both college and high school for many years, and I am here to tell you, after sitting in her classroom a few times, students who had her were blessed. Now, she is in the Tech Service business, second in command in a small business. This gal is amazing!

My daughter-in-law is another woman in my life that just awes me. She is smart, graduating with a BS in Psych, and holds a MS in Psych and another in Education. She is a great wife to my son, and a fantastic mom to my 4 little grands. She is kind, loving and extremely patient not only with the kids, but with  my son, who can be a bit "trying" I'm sure. (If he's a bit like his ol' man.) Amy had a rough early life, but persevered through stuff that would bring a less strong person to her knees. She says it was not so bad, but having a parent murdered and being passed from relative to relative would have made even the strongest person crumble. I can see that it has made Amy even stronger and I admire her immensely.

My sis-in-law is one wonderful person. She is the sister I never had. She takes wonderful care of my older brother, and always has been there for him. Together they raised two fine children, who have gone on to being smashing successes in their lives. Peggy is also a wonderful cook and I love going there to be able to try new things. She is a master gardener also, and their grounds look like something out of Better Homes and Gardens magazine. As they grow older and my brother's health continues to fail, Peg is there, doing all the good stuff to take care of him. He is a type 1 diabetic and has been for over 50 years, so he needs someone like Peg to cook right, watch over him and be there to help do the things he can't. She was definitely sent by God to be that person. They will celebrate 50 years of marriage next year. I know what God was thinking when He hooked them up.

Lastly, and there are more I could mention, but let me just say that my friend Curley has to be included in this post. She and I met several years ago at work. I liked her from the very first day we met. I wanted to introduce her to my wife because I knew they could be good friends. They were! Curley has a different kind of family. Her husband is a hard worker, has worked in the same factory for 44 years, loves to fish, hunt and play golf. Hates shopping, so that's where I come in. I love to shop and eat out at diners and dives. Curley does too, so we go do that and her guy doesn't really mind. He trusts us, and because we aren't doing anything untoward, we all get along fine. Phil even comes to my rescue when I have a household problem or need my trees trimmed, etc. But, I digress! Curley is an amazing person. She works hard at her job dealing daily with Senior Citizens. She goes home to Phil and her two adult sons, who still live at home at ages 24 and 27, and cooks, cleans, does laundry and all the other Mom stuff. I give her a lot of static about waiting on the sons hand and foot, but they waited a long time to have children so I think it is a Mom thing to be sorta overly protective and spoiling. Anyway, Curley has my respect and admiration!

(I wish I could include my mother-in-law in this list of amazing women, but I can't. Though she is now gone, and out of my life, the hurt and inward scars remain. She was an unkind person who treated her only child unfairly, was verbally cruel and mean to both my wife and I and was extremely jealous that we had a successful marriage and life and she didn't. Her negativity affected both my children, but they rose above it all and can now see it for what it was. I have a hard time believing that this woman made it into heaven, but I also know that God is forgiving. Now, it's up to me to just "let it go" but it's not easy.)

So Happy Mother's Day to all the sweet ladies in my life. Those who are no longer with us are missed and will never be forgotten.

Until next time,

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Griping About the Weather

Here I am once again complaining about our Indiana weather, which I cannot do anything about, so why not just bitch about it a little.
It's cold again today. I am wearing flannel and it's May 11.  Yesterday, I sat outside in the sun (trying to raise the "D" count) in my backyard with out a shirt and in shorts. Today, well, not happening!!
Of course, Indiana is noted for "if you don't like our weather, wait an hour because it will change." LOL!
Since this is my birthday week, I was hoping that Mother Nature would celebrate it by providing my favorite temperature range of 50"s lows at night and about 72-75F during the day. Again, not happening!
Oh well, such is life. On to worrying about something I can change.

As I mentioned, I will be having #72 on Saturday. Nothing great planned. May go out for lunch with my good pal Curley, but that is not set in stone yet. My son and his good friend Joe are coming sometime that day to set my new toilet in the guest bathroom. I purchased it last week, and all the plumbing supplies to go with it. As my gift from my son and family, I just asked that he install it for me. It's too heavy for me to even think about. (You know, old back, and weak muscles!)

My daughter and her guy are leaving next week for Florida, so I told them to apply any money that they would have spent on a gift for my bd towards their trip. Bill(my daughter's guy) has a son who lives with his mother (Bill's evil ex) in Florida, and is graduating from high school, so they are going to attend that. They will also visit my grandson while they are there. I am dog sitting with the remarkable Mr. Giles, the wonder dog while they are gone. That should be fun. I love him and he tolerates me! I hope we have some good weather for dog walking. Maybe I will get inspired to exercise more since I will be walking Mr. Giles two or three times a day for his constitutional!  We'll see about that.

Until next time,

Monday, May 8, 2017

Sunrise over the Atlantic

My oldest grandson, (now 24, single, footloose and fancy free) tired of the cold weather, futureless jobs, and generally wanting to try something new, moved to Florida. He's on the Atlantic Ocean side, down pretty far South in the state. He loves it!  That being said, recently, he arose early, before work and walked the 3 blocks from his residence to the beach at dawn. This picture he took with his phone!!  I wish it was larger, but if you click on it, it will enlarge (I think). I love how the waves catch the sun and bounce it back onto an oncoming wave. Also, the seagull? on the right below the horizon is magnificent.  All this with his phone, and I have trouble managing my Canon!! But, I'm learning! Maybe soon I will do a photo blog!

Until next time,

Monday, April 24, 2017

A Very Special Day, Indeed!

Yesterday was a special day for our little 6 month old Annabelle Jo. She was baptized into the Christian Faith. We are United Methodists by profession, and it is the rite of our denomination to baptize children, then when they reach teenage, and are able to make their own mind up about the faith-path they wish to take, they can be confirmed. Baptism merely means that they will be raised in the Christian faith by their family. And attending members of the congregation are made aware that they are to help in the raising of this child by setting good examples.
To some this might seem trite, or even ridiculous, But to my family, it's necessary. Thus, the special day for this sweet, darling granddaughter of mine. She is such a beauty, and yesterday, was all smiles as she was made to feel special. The pastor, after administering the water, carried her around the church talking to her and "introducing" her to her church family. She smiled, cooed, chattered, and more or less stole the hearts of many.
Pictured here is my son,James, my daughter in law,Amy, and granddaughter Miss K (back row).
(front row) Grandma Alice(Amy's family), grandson R.J., grandson Toby, and of course, Grandpa (me). The other grandpa doesn't do church in any fashion, so he was not there for the photo. Also attending, but rooked into taking the photo was Joe, my son's best friend, and Annabelle's "Jo" namesake, and also godfather to all four grands.
It was a fun, yet meaningful Sunday morning.

Until next time,